23-27 february, 2000
Forum 2000 – Programme
23 Wednesday
hrs 2-9 p.m.
Participants registration
hrs 7.30 p.m.
Informal dinner
24 Thursday
I Session
Medicine and social reality.
Participants registration
Forum opening
The development of modern medicine in the anthropological perspective: between objectivity and subjectivity
Prof. Dietrich von Engelhardt
Institute for History of Medicine and Science, University of Medicine, Lûbeck, Germany
Technological medicine and society: indirect influence or imposition.
Prof. Carlos Santa Maria
Department of Sociology of Development, Nariño University, Colombia
Consequences of technological medicine on society: comparison among social contexts with different levels of development.
Dr. Manuel Albán Lucio
International Relations, "Bolivar" University, Ecuador
12.30 – Lunch
The University in underdeveloped areas: an example of cultural integration between
technology and tradition. The experience of regional Universities in South America:
technology, globalization, human reality.
Ing. Gabriel Galarza Lopez
Chancelor, "Bolivar" University, Ecuador
Future is open
Prof. Sabino Palumbieri
Philosophical Anthropology, Salesian Papal University
The other side of medicine.
Dr. Alma Rodriguez
M.D., L.U.I.M.O. President, Italy
Homeopathic Medicine and Scientific theories at the time of its birth
Prof. Antonino Drago
Dep.of Physical Sciences University of Naples
Teaching Homeopathic Medicine around the world: a review.
Dr. Michel van Wassenhoven
M.D., Unio Homeopathica Belgica, Belgium
16.05 Coffee break
Institutional speeches.
Saluto della Liga Medicorum Homeopathica Internationalis
Sen. Francesco Carella
Presidente della Commissione Sanità del Senato
Mons. Giuseppe Costanzo
Arcivescovo di Siracusa
Sen. Giuseppe lo Curzio
Partito Popolare Italiano
Dr. Nino Daniele
Vice-Presidente della Regione Campania
Sen. Maria Grazia Daniele Galdi
Vice Presidente Commissione Sanità del Senato
Dr. Pietro Federico
L.M.H.I. Vice-President for Italy
Prof. Antonio Grella
Rettore della Seconda Università di Napoli
On. Ahern Nhuala
Presidente intergruppo Medicine Complementari – Parlamento Europeo.
25 Friday
II Session
Science and knowledge: the relation between human being and environment in the scientific experience. Epistemological principles for a science of nature.
Prof. Franz M. Wuketits,
Institute for Theory of Science, University of Wien, Austria
The structure of science.
Prof. Erhard Oeser,
Institute for Theory of Science and Scientific Research, University of Wien, Austria
Philosophy of biology.
Prof. Franz M. Wuketits,
Institute for Theory of Science, University of Wien, Austria
Organism - homeostasis.
Prof. Jean Gayon
Epistemology and History of Sciences of Life and Health, "D. Diderot" – Paris 7 University, France
Man and environment.
Dr. Maria Wuketits
Karl Popper Institute, University of Wien, Austria
10.30 Coffee break
Man, science, medicine: medical anthropology
Prof. Armando Savignano
University of Trieste, Italy
The epistemological crisis and its consequences on the area of health Sciences.
A look from Latin America
Prof. Maximo Chaparro
Social Sciences, National Technological University, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Looking at homeopathic medicine
Understanding Homoeopathic methodology from systems thinking
Dr. Fernand Debats,
E.C.H. Education Subcommittee Co-ordinator, The Netherlands
The revisited similia principle
Dr.Andrea Signorini, Dr. Giuseppe Andrioli, Dr. Paolo Bellavite
Scientific Committee of F.I.A.M.O. and Morphological Biomedical Sciences, University of Verona, Italy
Homeopathic Medical Science: the Third Millenium's epistemologic challenge
Dr.Carmelo Musco
Italian Society of Homeopathic Medicine
12.30 Lunch
"Man as human person. Man's direction and direction of medicine ".
Prof. Antonio Giuditta
Department of General Physiology and Environment, "Federico II University", Naples, Italy
Dr. Alma Rodriguez
Dr. Manuel Alban,
Prof. Franz Wuketits,
Prof. Goffredo Sciaudone,
Dr. P. S. Ortega
16.00 Coffee break
III Session
Science and method
Prof. Carlo Pedone
Department of Chemistry, "Federico II" University of Naples, Italy
Relation between natural language and technical language in scientific disciplines.
Prof. Massimo Baldini
Semiology, L.U.I.S.S. Faculty of Political Sciences, Italy
Infinitely big and infinitely small: two frontiers of scientific research today.
Prof. Giancarlo Barbarino
Department of Physics and Nuclear Physics National Institute, Dep. of Naples, Italy
New perspectives in the study of matter's properties: moving border line between chemistry and physics.
Dr. Francesco Petruccione,
"Albert Ludwig" University, Freiburg, Germany
Thermodynamics of extremely diluted solutions of the homeopathic pharmacopoeia
Prof. Vittorio Elia,
Department of Chemistry, "Federico II" University, Naples, Italy
Biophysics of Homeopathic drugs: the particular case of Nosodes
Dr. Joan Van Damme
Dr. Sc pharm., Belgium.
26 Saturday
IV Session
Official and homeopathic medicine in comparison.
Dr. Matheus Marim
Dr. Carlo Melodia
Dr. Alma Rodriguez
Prof. Goffredo Sciaudone.
The status of Homeopathic Medicine in different countries. A case of equivalence between the two sides of medicine: India.
Dr. Diwan Vijay Chand
L.M.H.I. Vice-President for India
Biological evolution and medicine
The role and contribution of Homeopathy at the high table of Evolution
Dr. Pierluigi Gargiulo, M.D.
Scientific director of the "L'altra medicina " journal
The starting point
Dr. Jeremy Swayne, M.D.
Dean of the Faculty of Homeopathy, London, UK
Health and disease: reversibility in morbid processes.
Dynamics of the change
Dr. Domenico de Carlo, M.D.
L.U.I.M.O., Naples, Italy
Morbid inheritance, individual, healing
Dr. Carlo Melodia, M.D.; Dr. Emilio Scalzone, M.D.
L.U.I.M.O., Naples, Italy
10.50 Coffee break
Toxicology – Pharmacology: primary and secondary effect.
Pharmacological-toxicological aspects
Prof. Antonello Crisci
Institute for Legal Medicine, Second University of Naples, Italy
Primary and secondary effects in Homeopathic Medicine
Dr. Antonio Manzi
M.D. – L.U.I.M.O., Naples, Italy
Toxicology: experiencing with ponderal dosis,
diluted dosis and highly diluted dosis
Dr.Maria Luisa Agneni
M.D. – L.U.I.M.O., Naples, Italy
12.10 Discussion
12.30 Lunch
Pharmacological clinical testing: statistics in experimental analysis.
Prof. Ciro Gallo
Medical Statistics, Second University of Naples, Italy
An experiment between Evidence Based Medicine (EBM) and non-dogmatic scientific research: experience of a confrontation.
Dr. Vincenzo Nuzzo
M.D., pediatrics
14.40 Discussion
Diagnosis of disease: medical nosography, biochemical parameters.
Diagnosys: over and underestimation of the available tools. Implications for clinical practice and medical education.
Prof. Antonio Abbadessa
"F. Magrassi" Department of Clinical and Experimental Internal Medicine,
Second University of Naples, Italy
The problem of diagnosis in medicine, significance in homeopathic medicine
Dr. Nicola Maglione, M.D., Dr. Claudio Pastena, M.D. , Italy
15.30 Discussion
Pathogenetic trials (provings) – clinical confirmation.
Pathogenetic trials and clinical confirmation
Dr. Matheus Marim
Brazilian Homeopathic Medicine Association, São Paulo, Brazil
Pathogenesis as a formation and self-knowledge process of the homeopathic physician
Dr. Sandra Regina Adams
M.D., CEH-SGH – Porto Alegre RS – Brasil
16.25 Discussion
16.35 Coffee break
Diagnosis of patient: the biopathographical history – remedy.
The Homeopathic clinical history in the homeopathic epistemological frame
Dr. Juan Carlos Pellegrino
M.D. , A.M.H.A., Buenos Aires, Argentina
Homeopathic diagnosis: a methodology for prescribing in accordance with the similia law
Dr. Pietro Federico
M.D., L.M.H.I. Vice-president for Italy.
The biopathographic protocol: portrait of the unity of the ill person and tool for clinical case taking.
Dr. Fiorenza Baldi, Dr. Nicola Villano
L.U.I.M.O, Naples, Italy
Compared clinical medicine: homeopathy – conventional therapy.
Idiopathic purpura in pediatrics: an example of didactics
Dr. Patricia Ricard-Le Roux
M.D., Pediatrics, Marseille, France
Methodogical differences between homeopathic and conventional clinics: a review from 2715 cases.
Dr. A. Aversa, M.D.; Dr. S. Mascoli, M.D.; Dr. E. Trabucco, M.D.
L.U.I.M.O., Naples, Italy
The relapsing disease
Dr. Stefano Barni
M.D., Homeopahtic Medicine Institute, Thiene, Italy
19.00 Discussion
27 Sunday
IV Session
Official and homeopathic medicine in comparison.
Morning 9.00 – 12.00
Medical jurisprudence.
Prof. Vincenzo Caianiello
Emeritus President of Constitutional Court, Italy
Prof. Franco Fabroni,
Institute of Insurance, University of Perugia, Italy
Prof. Antonio Farneti
Institute for Legal Medicine of Insurance, University of Milan, Italy
Prof. Goffredo Sciaudone
R Chair of Legal Medicine of Insurance, Second University of Naples, Italy
11.00 Coffee break
Homeopathic medicine, Order of physicians and registers
On. Dr. Giuseppe Del Barone
Presidente dell'ordine dei medici della Provincia di Napoli.
Toward the medicine of the future: pharmacogenomics or homeopathic medicine.
Dr. Proceso Sanchez Ortega
Homeopatia de Mexico, Mexico
12.00 Lunch
14.00 – 16.00 ROUND TABLE
"Teaching Medicine.
The University programme for the future medical doctor: the homeopath".
Prof. Paolo Marinelli
Hygienics , Second University of Naples, Italy
Dr. Alma Rodriguez
M.D., L.U.I.M.O. President, Italy
Prof. Antonio Romano
Oculistics and Ophthalmology, University of Naples, Italy
Dr. Proceso Sanchez Ortega
Homeopatia de Mexico, Mexico
Dr. Jeremy Swayne
Dean, Faculty of Homoeopathy, U.K.